It's Friday and it finally feels like spring! I really been enjoying working in the backyard and the gardens. The people who lived here before had a nice layout but nothing much planted. I cleaned out all the garden beds- too many sticker weeds! I hate those things! I went to a local nursery and took a soil sample with me. I wanted to know what plants would work best. I also drew up a diagram of the gardens and when we have sun and shade.
Apollo and I took the kids back to the nursery with us tonight and they helped pick out some annuals to plant- pansies, impatiens,
dianthus, and zinnia. Oh the colors that they picked out too, just gorgeous! We also bought some
azelea bushes, a lilac bush, iris',
coreopsis, foxglove, a blue
hydranga, and about 30
hosta to line the driveway and front walk. I was so impressed with Apollo- we never spend money like we did last night but the house will look spectacular! We dug for most of the plants last night and placed them in before the rain started. The kids and I will do some more today and it should be easy since the ground is soft from the rains.
Of course I do envision a
mudpie or two being made, played with, and possibly even tossed at me or his sister- my boy is all about the dirt!