Saturday, April 14, 2007

Robert Burns

How disappointing Friday night turned out to be. Yes, the flowers were nice. Yes, the fire was nice. Yes, the attempt appeared to have been there. It seems as though we have no sooner unpacked and he is leaving me for a business trip. I am so bothered by this, that I can't seem to be bothered with this. He will fly out on Monday. Just like he is leaving for work. He will return...when he does.

But Mousie, thou are no thy-lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!

How many times have people glibly trotted out, “The best laid schemes” without realising that they were quoting from Burns? The sadness, the despair, the insight contained within this verse are truly remarkable and deeply moving. no ‘thy lane = not alone; gan aft agley = often go awry


Bugwit said...

I always though that was Shakespeare. I didn't know what play...So Burns, eh.

Thanks for the fly-by, but you've left me with a mystery!

~d said...

Hey Molly
Holla at Bug! I didn't know this was Burns either. I thought it was (Steinback?) the of mice and men guy.

Jessica said...

I loved that post...and such an adorable little bottom too!

Molly said...

Bug: Mystery solved?
~d: No. Robert Burns.
jessica: Thank you.

Bugwit said...

Yup, got it!