I did something today that I don't normally do. I kept the kids home with me today. They have been great with adjusting to the move, new house, new schools, and making new friends. I thought that they deserve a day with Mom. To tell you the truth, I WANTED a day with them- in light of everything that happened at VT.
So we got up in the morning I made pancakes ( I think they thought that it was Saturday, that's my usual) and the we sat in the family room and watched cartoons. Then we baked cookies and ate some batter and hot chocolate while they baked. I love this.. I
so love this! I decided to take them out for the afternoon... see the sights around NC. We went into town and parked to walk through and see what we could find. We found a hobby shop that my boy loved! My daughter and I found some bags of craft supplies (pipe cleaners, foam stickers, craft sticks, pom-poms and such) and we decided to walk towards the back of the store. Glory be.. what did we see???
SCRAPBOOKING!! That girl was so excited! I got her into
scrapbooking this past year and she likes to use my doubles to make her own album. Over an hour and a half later (and too much money spent!!) I took them to lunch at
Red Robin!
We came home and they crashed. It was a great day and I am glad that I did it. Now I don't buy my kids things all the time nor do we go out to eat a lot so they knew it was a treat. But how I would love to spoil them more.. in a way I did by laughing, playing, hugging and just spending time. I will spoil like that any chance I can! I am letting them plan dinner tonight- it could be cereal, PB&J, or spaghetti.. but it's their call!
"Never fear spoiling children by making them too happy. Happiness is the atmosphere in which all good affections grow." Thomas Bray